Sworn translation prices
Prices are inclusive of all taxes.
Each translation is priced individually according to the particulars of the text, like its technical complexity, format, the number of repetitions... These are some general guidelines for the calculation.
Please note that a minimum charge of 50 EUR applies to each order.
Documents containing up to 200 words cost 35 EUR (this is the minimum price per document).
Documents over 200 words: Prices will be calculated by applying 100-word bands, at 15 EUR for each band. This means that documents between 200 and 300 words would cost 45 EUR, documents between 300 and 400 words would cost 60 EUR, and so on.
Express service supplement: 30% increase on the final price. Scanned copies will be sent as soon as possible, often on the same day. The delivery is guaranteed (on time or your money back).
Prices refer to the delivery of the digital copy of the translation, electronically signed.
If you need the hard copy, a 5% charge will be added to the final price (with a minimum charge of 15 EUR) which includes non-urgent delivery within Spain.
For delivery to other destinations, please ask for information.
Online Payments
Once you are ready to book the translation, I will email you a payment link so you can easily pay by card. Bizum is also available.
Ana Belén Barrio Fernández - English/Spanish Sworn Translator No. 11348